1) So tell us a little about yourself, the person, not just the writer...
2) The moment you knew you wanted to be a writer...
3) Give us a short bibliography of your books, include a one sentence blurb for each...
4) Awards or recognition...
No awards. No recognition other than magazine and blog articles, and Facebook comments.
5) Tell us all about your current project. When does it launch? You can add a 200 hundred word excerpt if you like...
I’m working on three novels.
A mystery/romance set in NYC during the first year of the Civil War.
A hard-boiled mystery set in NYC 1995.
A romantic comedy set in NYC 1984.
I have no idea when and if they’ll be published.
6) The biggest influence on your writing style...
I’ve been influenced by all writers whom I’ve read, but probably most by Peter McCurtin, my editor at Belmont-Tower, who taught me to keep the plot moving.
7) How many drafts do you usually go through before you know your book is ready for the world?
It depends. There are no rules.
8) What’s your best advice to new writers on promoting your own books?
It helps if you know influential critics and opinion makers. It also helps if you write something incredibly wonderful. Otherwise, success in writing is like winning the lottery.
9) Writer’s block… Myth or Reality? What’s your view of it and how do you deal with it?
This question is answered in “Len Levinson’s General Writing Considerations” on the He Said… She Said Blog.
10) What’s your method of naming and developing your characters?
Many of my names came from the Manhattan telephone directory. Other names pop into my mind. The rest of this question is answered in “Len Levinson’s General Writing Considerations” on the He Said… She Said Blog.
11) How do you find your ideas?
It seems that my ideas find me. They pop into my mind.
12) Are you a “plotter” or a “pantser” (writing by the seat of your pants)?
13) While writing, do you: blast your favorite music; enjoy dead silence; write while the world is sleeping; etc.
I usually start writing immediately after breakfast. I require silence.
14) Do you write it all out first or do you try to edit as you go?
I write a first draft and then edit extensively. I do some minor editing while writing the first draft.
15) Favorite snacks or drinks to keep handy while writing...
Filtered water.
16) Tools of your trade? (laptop, pen & paper, tablet, typewriter, voice recorder, etc)
I started writing on a manual typewriter, then an IBM Selectric, then a series of IBM desktops, and now a Macbook Pro with 15 inch Retina Screen, bought new around four years ago. I also carry a 3x5 inch paper notebook on which I write my thoughts and other people’s comments.
17) To aspiring writers, what would be your most serious advice?
This question is answered in “Len Levinson’s General Writing Considerations” on the He Said… She Said Blog.
If you Google “Len Levinson Author” There is no limit to what you can find on him and his books.
You can find him on Facebook at www.facebook.com/LenLevinson/
His body of work can be found on Goodreads at